LUX AETERNA | Sacred Music Concert

Join Our LUX AETERNA Concert for a Night of Sacred Music

Title: LUX AETERNA – Sacred Music Concert
Venue: Minoritenkirche, Vienna
Date: 28.9.2024
Time: 20:00 (Duration: 1 hour)

On the evening of September 28th, 2024, at 20:00, the magnificent Minoritenkirche in Vienna will be filled with the celestial sounds of sacred music. Join us for an extraordinary evening of spiritual and uplifting compositions at one of Vienna’s most impressive churches. Presented in collaboration with the Musica Sancta Choir, this concert, LUX AETERNA, will offer an inspiring experience and feature some of the most beautiful sacred works ever composed.

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A Brilliant Ensemble of Performers

We are honored to present an outstanding group of musicians for this special event. The Musica Sancta Choir, known for their dedication to sacred music, will be joined by Gabriel Romberger on organ. The concert will also feature the beautiful voices of sopranos Martina Wagner and Yeela Avital, with bass Gerasim Mangurov both singing and conducting. Yeela Avital, alongside Mangurov, will bring a unique dual leadership to this concert, ensuring a performance filled with emotion and nuance.

The Historic Minoritenkirche

The venue, Minoritenkirche, provides a perfect location for this concert. The Minoritenkirche is one of Vienna’s oldest and most beautiful churches. It offers an acoustically rich environment that will enhance the quality of the pieces played. Its stunning architecture and serene ambiance will make this an immersive and unforgettable experience for all attendees.

Secure Your Tickets

We warmly invite you to join us for this beautiful evening of sacred music at the Minoritenkirche. Tickets are priced at 25 Euro, and we encourage you to book early to guarantee your seat at this intimate and profound concert. This time, there will be no categories and seating is based on first come first serve basis.

For more information and to purchase tickets, please click HERE or contact us directly at

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