Any visitor to Vienna will have stood for a brief moment on Michaelerplatz. You have to marvel at some of the city’s architectural wonders. Even in Roman times, the square was an important crossroads. Leading to one of the garrison’s imposing gates. Porta Decumana. The square is shaped by the buildings on its periphery.
Its name derives from the Michaelerkirche, from the 13th century. The area began to assume its current form in the 1720s when construction on the Reichskanzleitrakt (the imperial chancery) and the riding school started. In the 19th century, it kept growing with the Herbersteinpalais and later by a little Jungedstil with the Loos Haus.
Standing on square, any modern visitor would clearly see that Michaelerplatz reflects the entire history of the city. However, it was only in 1990/1991 that excavations brought us a little closer to similar visitors from the ancient past. Archaeologists uncovered the remains of long forgotten roman houses and other structures under the more modern facades. This remnant of Vienna’s ancient history is open for everyone to admire! (Cr).
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