Explore Vienna’s natural beauty through Stadtwanderweg 9
The past two hiking trails we’ve told you about will take you through the outer parts of Vienna. Today we want to focus on Stadtwanderweg 9, trail number 9. This trail will lead you through our beautiful Prater. Even if you don’t have a lot of time, you can still walk through this green oasis for a few minutes to escape the hectic city.
This trail is 13 km long, but don’t worry, you can easily access the trail from different points. The official route starts in at the Praterstern station (you can reach this with the U2 or the U1 for example), sends you onto the Prater Hauptallee and to the Rustenschacherallee, followed by the Stadionallee and the Poloweg, to the Krebsenwasser, where you will soon reach the Hauptallee again and the way back leads you to the Oberes Heustadlwasser, to the Liliputbahn, the Konstantinhügel and the trail will find its final stop back at the Praterstern station.
This may sound a bit confusing, but the hiking trail can be followed with the mobile city map or via signposts that lead you into the right direction. You can also take a stop at the “Schutzhaus Wasserwiese” (Wasserwiesenweg 1) or at the Lusthaus
If you want to you could get your hands on the Wanderpass (download it here), fill the pass with stamps (you can get the stamp at the Gösser Bierinsel for this trail) and you will get a small present if you fill the whole pass.