A perfect day at the Wiener Prater

Visit the Wiener Prater for an exciting day in Vienna!

If one talks about the Wiener Prater, they are probably talking about the green area that allows you to relax and wind down. But there’s also another part of the Prater that’s a bit more packed and busy. Vienna’s amusement park is called Wurstelprater (the name comes from a theatre character called “Hanswurst”).

Unlike other amusement parks, where you pay for entrance and can ride all attractions numerous times, here you pay for each ride separately, while the Prater area is freely-accessible. The most famous attraction is the Riesenrad (giant ferris wheel). Built in the 19th century, this attraction gives you a stunning view over Vienna. Those of you chasing adrenaline highs have to check out the 85 metres high free fall tower. The prater offers attractions for visitors of any age, make sure to check out all their attractions here.

A visit to an amusement park also needs spots where you can take a break and catch your breath. The most famous spot is the Schweizerhaus, where they serve traditional Austrian food and beverages – they are especially famous for their Schweinsstelze (knuckle of pork).

If you want to learn more about the history of the Prater, take a look at our private tours. Click here for more information

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