Tag des Denkmals – let’s celebrate monument protection 

Today is Tag des Denkmals (day of the monument). More than 280 objects open their doors all over Austria, welcoming visitors on this very special day. And this for free. This year’s motto “Monument ahead: monument protection = climate protection” shows that monument protection and climate protection complement each other perfectly.

In Vienna you can visit 50 objects, we want to introduce you to some of them:

  1. If you are into old sources and archives, you have to visit the Campus Akademie (1st district). As part of the tour along the university buildings 1624-1850, the following stations will be passed. Jesuitenkolleg (Campus Academy) – University Church and New Assembly Hall (today Academy of Sciences) and Domus Universitatis (Sonnenfelsgasse). Via Postgasse the tour ends with the former University Library and ends in the Jesuit Refectory.
  2. Palais Niederösterreich. The old Lower Austrian provincial house in Vienna’s first district is steeped in history and rich in tradition. In the year 1513 the estates of Lower Austria, forerunners of today’s Lower Austrian Parliament the Hofburg, acquired a property from the Liechtenstein brothers. They did this in order to be able to hold their provincial to be able to hold their provincial assemblies here.
  3. Jüdischer Friedhof Seegasse. The cemetery is located in the courtyard of a present-day retirement home. It dates back to the mid-16th century. It is thus the oldest surviving Jewish cemetery in Austria. Once it served as a burial place for the Jewish community, until 1783. Men have to wear a head covering for religious reasons.
  4. Casino Zögernitz. In 1837, the Viennese citizen Zögernitz acquired a plot of land that had once been in imperial possession. Zögernitz built a casino in Biedermeier style. With its richly decorated hall and beautiful garden, it became a popular meeting place for Viennese society

Click here for the full program

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