Generali – more than just a company name
It is likely that many people have heard about the Italian insurance company Generali. The company was established in Trieste in 1831 as “Assicurazioni Generali Austro-Italiche”. As the name suggests, the company had a connection to the Habsburg empire.
Generali used the symbol of the double-headed eagle on its official documents. It was only in the aftermath of the 1848 revolution that the company changed part of its name. Then they adopted the Lion of St. Mark as its symbol.
It took some time for the company to establish an office in Vienna. In 1882 the “Erste Allgemeine Unfall und Schadensversicherung” was established in the city. It became Generali’s first subsidiary. Today, although Generali does not have the connection it used to have with Austria, its presence is still felt. But in particular in the city center.
Your SV explorer has counted at least seven buildings that have the name Generali on their façades. These are located in the Graben, Am Hof, Landskrongasse, the Hoher Markt, Wipplingerstraße. Also in front of the Albertina. Perhaps Mozart is the only name to be found in more houses than Generali’s. Let us know if you see another one!
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