Our partner Hamtil & Söhne offers beautiful souvenirs and accessoires

Founded in 2016, you can find the shop Hamtil & Söhne in the Herrengasse 2.

Not only is the shop part of our famous Looshaus, but they also offer a big variety of products. Let it be beautiful accessories, design products and small gifts – most products have a connection to Vienna. This store is the perfect spot if you want to get your hands on unusual souvenirs. Perhaps you are also looking for presents that can remind you of our beautiful city? No matter what you want to get your hands on, we are sure that you will definitely find something here that can be taken home. 

Thanks to our partnership you’ll be able to get a discount on selected products. If you tell the cashier that you’ve read about the shop on our Secret Vienna website or on our social media you will get 20% off your purchase of their drinking glasses.

Make sure to also check out our other partners! We offer some exciting deals and percentages for your upcoming adventures through Vienna! If you are looking for further tips and ideas, check out our Instagram, where we post daily.

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